Motion Graphic exploration
Animation created to celebrate reaching 1000 followers on instagram. For this I developed this idea of putting together collage with halftone textures, and give everything minimalist flow to the rhythm of jazz.
[→] Animación: David Rubio
[→] 2021
Motion Graphic exploration
Animation created to celebrate reaching 1000 followers on instagram. For this I developed this idea of putting together collage with halftone textures, and give everything minimalist flow to the rhythm of jazz.
[→] Animation: David Rubio
[→] 2021
Motion Graphic exploration
Animation created to celebrate reaching 1000 followers on instagram. For this I developed this idea of putting together collage with halftone textures, and give everything minimalist flow to the rhythm of jazz.
[→] Animación: David Rubio
[→] 2021
[→] hello@davidrubioma.tv [→] instagram [→] linkedin [→] Vimeo