Lyo Media
Animated logo
Logo animation for the production company “Lyo media”, to be used in the credits and openers of their projects, as well as in web and social media pieces.
[→] Client: Lyo media
[→] Design: Jaime Vallhonrat
[→] Motion Graphics: David Rubio
[→] 2023
Lyo Media
Animated logo
Logo animation for the production company “Lyo media”, to be used in the credits and openers of their projects, as well as in web and social media pieces.
[→] Client: Lyo media
[→] Design: Jaime Vallhonrat
[→] Motion Graphics: David Rubio
[→] 2023
Lyo media
Animated logo
Logo animation for the production company “Lyo media”, to be used in the credits and openers of their projects, as well as in web and social media pieces.
[→] Client: Lyo media
[→] Design: Jaime Vallhonrat
[→] Motion Graphics: David Rubio
[→] 2023
[→] [→] instagram [→] linkedin [→] Vimeo